Occupational &
speech therapy
by Christina Coleman, Dipl. Soz. (USA) Occupational therapist
Welcome to my practice
for occupational therapy

Acquisition and professional classification of medical diagnoses together with the patient.

Situation-oriented therapy approach in which goals are individually designed for the patient.

After successful therapy comes stabilization and prevention for the future.
I am pleased that you are interested in my work and invite you to inform yourself about the therapeutic work on my homepage.
Get an idea of occupational therapy and the diverse treatment methods that I can offer you in my practice or at home.
I help and accompany people of all ages who are limited in their ability to act due to illness, disability or old age and who have difficulties with everyday tasks.
Yours, Christina Coleman
Occupational therapy
Occupational therapy is becoming increasingly important in healthcare. It is based on medical and social science principles and is a medically prescribed remedy. It is used for people of all ages with motor-functional, sensorimotor-perceptual, neuropsychological and/or psychosocial disorders.
The aim of occupational therapy is to increase the ability and independence of the affected people so that they can once again manage their everyday life at work, school and family as independently as possible.
What is special about occupational therapy
Every person is considered with all their physical, mental, spiritual and social aspects and in their uniqueness. In doing so, I take into account important roles and tasks for the individual, their living environment and the necessary mental and/or physical abilities to do things independently or to carry out actions.
Treatment for neurological diseases
This is based on proven methods such as the Bobath concept, new therapy methods such as functional everyday training and current treatment concepts such as mirror therapy.
In neurology, patients with diseases of the central nervous system, such as stroke, dementia, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, inflammatory diseases of the brain or tumors are treated.
The impairments that the therapy aims to improve are:
- in the motoric area (movement planning and movement execution and sensitivity)
- in the neuropsychological area (perception, action planning and implementation, memory and concentration, orientation)

Being able to act independently, to engage in meaningful activities and to be in control of one’s own life are basic requirements for health, well-being and quality of life.
I support people of all ages who are limited in their abilities or threatened by limitations and who lack these prerequisites. In this way you will receive confirmation and recognition and satisfaction with life will return.
Treatment of children
I see the treatment of children as developmental therapy – i.e. accompanying development. The treatment has a positive effect on the children’s ability to act, concentration, self-confidence and independence.
I treat children,
- who show problematic social behavior towards other children / fellow human beings (e.g. at school)
- who are noticeably unfocused or tend to be restless or over-hyped for no reason
- with sensory impairments or developmental risks
- who have difficulties with motor skills (sitting, standing or walking) or fine motor skills (grasping and handling things or illegible writing).

Therapeutic approaches for children
The following therapy methods, treatment views and concepts are used by me:
- Occupational therapy training program for ADHD/ADS according to Winter and Arasin
- Attentioner attention-training
- Basic and strategy training according to Lauth and Schlottke
- Marburg concentration training
- Sensory integration therapy
- visual perception according to Frostig
- auditory perception promotion according to Nickisch
- Promotion of phonological awareness
- Würzburg training program letter-sound training
- Mathematical training
- Swiss program building and understanding
I offer individually designed explanatory talks for all programs.
Hand therapy and orthopedic therapy
In orthopedic therapy, mainly rheumatic and chronic diseases (e.g. arthritis / arthrosis) are treated.
In hand therapy, degenerative diseases, systemic diseases and injuries to the hand, lower arm, upper arm and shoulder are treated.
The follow-up treatment after surgical interventions is also part of hand therapy. The dysfunctional hand should be brought back to goal-directed, automatic, coordinated use, i.e. to its original function as far as possible.
The aim of hand therapy is to enable the patient to carry out previous occupations and activities as far as possible, so that he can once again meet his social, domestic and professional requirements.
The following diseases are treated:
- Complex injuries such as fractures or contusions
- capsular ligament injuries
- tendon injuries
- Nerve injuries / nerve compressions, e.g. carpal tunnel syndrome and the resulting paraesthesia (abnormal sensations)
- Amputations or congenital malformations
- Treatment of scar tissue, e.g. from burns

About me
My name is Christina Coleman. Since 2005 I work as an occupationl therapist in my own practice. Occupational therapy combines my interests in medicine, psychology and science. I work with people of all ages in the practice and in the home environment.
My work is based on empathy, appreciation, patience and a holistic understanding of your life situation.
My education
- Studies in psychology at the Universities of Hagen and Jena, international recognition by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO)
- Studied social and special education at the BA Speyer
- Training as an occupational therapist and educator as well as a learning therapist
- Professional activity in various social institutions with different focal points
- In private practice since 2005
Speech therapy
Speech therapy is offered in-house in cooperation with a specialist colleague.
Assumption of costs
- Treatment on prescription, available from general practitioners and specific specialists (e.g. paediatricians, ENT doctors, orthopaedists, neurologists, psychiatrists, etc.) or as a self-payer
- Approval for all statutory and private health insurance companies and trade associations
- Early support (from birth to school entry) is usually taken over by the district of Swabia and the health insurance companies
Possible treatment sites
- I work in the area around Senden
- Outpatient therapy in practice
- home visits
- if necessary, therapy also in the facilities, e.g. in the kindergarten (integrative) and retirement homes
- Medical cooperation practice
Contact me
If you are looking for your personal therapy, do not hesitate to describe your case to me using the form on the right. You can also contact me by phone to make an appointment.